Those 6000 good bacteria. The little Sacco's treasure calls back the brain-drain
12/08/2019 Sacco System on the daily magazine La Provincia. Not just biotechnologies and natural solutions for Sacco srl and CAGLIFICIO CLERICI S.P.A. to reach our mission on Supporting food culture and life but also the constant goal of guaranteeing to all our collaborators a healthy and safe work environment always caring to reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes.
Grazie ai batteri l'ex caglificio fa tornare i ricercatori espatriati
22/07/2019 Source: Corriere della Sera An article about colleagues of the Laboratories who have decided to return to work in Italy after a period abroad. There is also who decided to work in Italy, coming from an other country. Read their interviews in the article.
21/03/2019 20/03/2019 Fonte: Il Sole 24 Ore Viaggio nei laboratori di Sacco System. La family compnay custodisce 6mila fermenti che esporta in 110 Paesi, ha un fatturato di 108 milioni in crescita a due cifre e un Ebitda al 37%. Un addetto su cinque fa ricerca, in cui viene investito il 6% del turn over. Scopri nell'articolo come i fermenti di Sacco System rendono unici i formaggi in tutto il mondo.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505. A probiotic fo respiratory and digestive health.
27/12/2018 Source: Nutrafoods, Dec. 2018 Infections of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts remain serious healthcare problems worldwide. Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 is a probiotic, originally isolated from goat’s milk and produced by SACCO in Italy, that has been shown to increase resistance to intestinal, and especially respiratory, infections in several animal models of disease.
31/05/2018 Paying attention to the new trends, Sacco launch 4Choice, a new dairy-alternatives cultures range designed for those looking for non-dairy based products. Source: IDM - International Dairy Magazine
21/03/2018 Lactobacillus plantarum LPLDL®, for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases Source: L'Integratore Nutrizionale(February 2018) It is well known that factors such as unhealthy diet, stress, related diseases and medicines use can affect the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal flora; the recent discovery is that an altered intestinal microbiome is related to cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. LPLDL®, developed by Optobiotix and produced in Europe by Sacco, can help in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
02/03/2018 Sacco System goes mobile. In an era where information travels faster and faster, knowledge sharing is essential. For this reason Sacco System has decided to create an APP that will allow its collaborators, business partners and all interested users to interact with the group’s activities. The APP available for IOS and Android was designed to know and experience the world of Sacco System. In the APP you can find all the marketing materials, videos and it’s also works off line. So wherever you are you can always be part of Sacco System. Read the article on March issue of IDM - International Dairy Magazine
The role of LAB in the process of silage fermentation
16/02/2018 Alberto Giardini, Technical & Scientific Manager CSL, in the article published on Allevatori Top writes about LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria), fermentation, how to get a good result and what the microbial starter is for. We deepen the role of LAB in the process of silage fermentation to produce more and more milk and excellent quality.
Determination of Aflatoxin M1 in the dairy products
14/12/2017 Sacco Labware promotes a new line of instruments for milk analysis: “Test Lateral Flow” & “Elisa”. These are fundamental instruments, made by ProGnosis Biotech Ltd, useful to analyse the level of mycotoxins in the Factory’s milk batches. Characteristic of these instruments is the high level of quality in terms of analysis and results, and the high speed in terms of time response. These instruments ensure milk quality avoiding every kind of contamination.
Batteriofagi: tematica sensibile di non facile soluzione
13/04/2017 L’importanza della pulizia sistematica ed efficace degli impianti e dell’utilizzo di colture idonee. Autore: Per Dedenroth Pedersen Fonte: IL LATTE_aprile 2017
Insilati: aspetti tecnologici e di sicurezza per la filiera del latte_ 2° parte
13/04/2017 I batteri patogeni possono moltiplicarsi negli insilati e a livello di filiera latte comportano potenziali rischi per il consumatore Autore: Dr. Alberto Giardini Fonte: IL LATTE_aprile 2017
Aspetti tecnologici e di sicurezza degli insilati per la filiera latte
23/03/2017 La tecnica di preparazione e di gestione dell’insilato si ripercuote sulla qualità e sulla sicurezza della filiera latte. Fonte: IL LATTE_marzo 2017
A recent study shows that the somministration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1
23/03/2017 A recent study shows that the somministration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1 during early childhood can lead to a reduction of dental caries. Source: L’integratore nutrizionale n.1 -2017
12/02/2017 Italian Footech : Long life to food with protective cultures Fermentation is one of the oldest methods used for processing food. A real method of conservation, safe and without counter indication. For thousands of years microorganisms, which are traditionally used for fermentation processes, have been used for producing cheese, yoghurt, bread, beer, wine, and vinegar. Very often they are employed even for processing fish, meat, and vegetables. The biological fermentation process ensures higher nutritional and organoleptic properties of foodstuff (flavour, appearance, odour and texture), while slowing down natural food deterioration. Furthermore, it controls the development of undesired microorganisms and inhibits bacterial growth, enhancing safety.... source:
Heard of the gut-brain axis? Meet the gut-skin axis...
12/01/2017 By Will Chu, 12-Jan-2017 Probiotic supplementation may improve adult acne appearance as researchers discuss the existence of a gut-skin axis in which the gastrointestinal area is targeted by bacterial strains to affect skin physiology
09/01/2017 The history of the strain L. acidophilus D2/CSL is similar to that of many strains produced by the CSL. In fact, the CSL’s activity regards the search, isolation and selection of strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from their natural habitats (feeds, foods, intestine, etc.). Once the selection phase (in vitro and in vivo) is completed, the most promising LAB strains for the specific use “in the field” are tested by the pilot laboratory, so they are selected again according to their ability to be successfully replicated in industrial scale. Normally, only one strain of 4 pre-selected ones is also suitable for the industrial production. All strains are still deposited at the CSL’s strains collection, so since 1948 the Company boasts a collection of 4000 LAB strains...
Lactobacillus acidophilus D2-CSL in avicoltura: aggiornamenti e innovazione
14/12/2016 Al convegno, organizzato da Zoo Assets, si è parlato dell'impatto su metabolismo, sanità e performance zootecniche. Veterinari e operatori del settore avicolo, sono intervenuti numerosi lo scorso 6 dicembre, all'Istituto zooprofilattico di Forlì, al convegno “Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL: aggiornamenti e innovazione – Dagli avicoli per gli avicoli” organizzato da Zoo Assets in collaborazione con Csl, Centro sperimentale del latte...
02/12/2016 Sacco Labware offer for sale the analysis of milk and cheese by NIR spectroscopy. Precision, accuracy, speed and ease of analysis of the main parameters are the strengths of this method.
Protective cultures: improve quality and safety in meat products
26/10/2016 The awareness of the pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes also in meat goods is growing due to several outbreaks with serious implications highlighting safety as a topic of great concern. Here a bacteriocin producing culture is a natural way to enhance safety since the bacteriocin is able to kill Listeria monocytogenes by contact. L’industria delle carni e dei salumi – Speciale aromi, ingredienti, additivi (Ottobre 2016).
28/09/2016 Di bene in meglio il caglio granulare Clerici cresce in qualità, 100% naturale e Made in Italy; un impegno giorno dopo giorno per valorizzare le tipicità casearie italiane.
Struttura e aroma del formaggio presamico by P.D. Pedersen; A. Gauna Sacco srl
28/09/2016 La struttura e l’aroma definiscono la qualità di un formaggio e sono fortemente influenzati dal breve o lungo processo di stagionatura. Tra le diverse componenti che contribuiscono al loro sviluppo, viene approfondito il contributo dell’attività proteolitica, fermentativa e lipolitica.
Effects of the dietary supplementation of Lactobacillus acidophilus
28/09/2016 This study examined the effects of the dietary supplementation of Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT 4529) on productive performances, as well as caecal microbioma and metabolic functions of broiler chickens. LA D2/CSL supplementation produced a series of beneficial effects. These effects were probably related to the observed modifications of the intestinal microbioma, playing an important role in animal health and performances. Lo studio è stato presentato al XXV World’s Poultry congress 2016 a Bejing in China.