Exploring a Future Without Stereotypes: SACCO SYSTEM at Liceo Scientifico Cavalleri for DYT

  • Exploring a Future Without Stereotypes: SACCO SYSTEM at Liceo Scientifico Cavalleri for DYT 1
  • Exploring a Future Without Stereotypes: SACCO SYSTEM at Liceo Scientifico Cavalleri for DYT 2


This year too, SACCO SYSTEM proudly participates in the Deploy Your Talents (DYT) project, promoted by the Fondazione Sodalitas, with the patronage of the Municipality of Milan and in collaboration with Volunteers for Social.

Deploy Your Talents has reached its 11th edition but is more relevant than ever. The study of STEM subjects proves to be a winning card for entering the workforce more quickly, and there is still much ground to cover in terms of gender diversity.

Sacco System places a strong emphasis on graduates in STEM subjects who find their best placement not only in laboratories but also in production and various departments. The percentage of women with STEM degrees at Sacco System is 42% of the total STEM graduates.

This new adventure involves the students of the III GA LSA Applied Sciences High School - Claudio Cavalleri in Parabiago. The goal is clear: to guide these students through a journey that ranges from the meaning of a future without stereotypes to emphasizing the crucial value of STEM subjects.

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Exploring a Future Without Stereotypes: SACCO SYSTEM at Liceo Scientifico Cavalleri for DYT - Blog